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10/10 would play again


Lovely AI voice :-) environment looks okay, especially the Gordon stuff :D

I do agree that the mouse is suuuper sensitive, as is the running speed which makes navigating a bit difficult. Picking up items did not really work for me, let alone figuring out what I do or don't need. Also sprinting into the glass gave me some issues

(1 edit) (+2)

Got pushed into a wall by a door. 10/10 would play again XD

But slightly more serious feedback.
The mouse look is very sensitive, making it very hard to control where you look.
And the range for picking up things is very finnicky. I couldn't pick up things by looking directly at them and pressing e. Instead, I had to look half a screen away from them.

Sprinting into the glass doors can get you stuck when they open towards you.


Oh god! love that sexy AI voice