_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [HIGH SCORE: 375] _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 

You are a wizard's apprentice, who has not gotten their wand just yet. One day, your master is taken away by a mysterious enemy, and you go on a quest to find him again. You stumble across a forest and are led astray by a will-o'-the-wisp, resulting in you falling through a hidden trap. Now, you are stuck in this cave, fighting hordes of angry elemental wisps. You have a simple projectile spell to use against the elemental wisps who attack you.  How many kills will you have against other players? Find out in this challenging arena survival shooter game.

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [CONTROLS] ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 

LMB = shoot fireball

RMB = aim

WASD = movement

E = Dash

SHIFT= Sprint

C = Crouch

____Gambling Laws and Regulations Netherlands 2022____
Health droprate = 10% 
Every 10 kills will add another wisp
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [!!SUBMIT YOUR HIGHSCORE!!] _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 

Submit your screenshot highscore to verify  in this form and be on the leaderboard!!!
(We don't hold responsible for screenshotting too late and getting to the losing Scene, that's your lose(Hidden Quick Time event mechanic))


Or comment down below your name and screenshot your score there to verify!!

  1.  Erwin                                           -  375 Wisps
  2. Tim (Developer)                     -  264 Wisps
  3. Giang (Developer)                -  176 Wisps 
  4. Hidde35                                     -     46 Wisps
  5. ???
  6. ???
  7. ???


Version 0.1.zip 27 MB
Version 0.2.zip 27 MB


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(3 edits)

Hidde35 - 46