One day a local laboratory explodes due to an accident, and a dangerous chemical, which was created during an experiment, gets released into the ocean. everyone that was near the explosion got infected, which made them aggressive toward everything around them. – The situation gets so bad that the navy seals get involved. 

Avoid crabs and kill the zombies!

You play as officer Dickson and it's your job to contain the outbreak.


Move right - Arrow Right

Move left - Arrow Left

Jump - Arrow Up

Double Jump - Arrow Up x2

Shoot - Space


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the jumping feels a little jank as it sometimes doesnt register my input, shooting works well and i feel like it would be nice to be able to jump on the crabs to kill them

The perspective is fun! Can you actually kill the crabs? I also like the animations on the jumping and double jump. 

2.5D looks nice. You can walk off the left side of the map. Shooting mechanics are nice but could use some more animation timing. Nice job!

I like the 2.5D aspect of the game, and the double jumping mechanic. How are you able to eliminate the crabs?

I like the part where you shoot crabs